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Pokemon Darkness RPG

The world of Pokemon has decended into chaos. Will your moral compass tell that you're making it better. . . or worse?

pokemon, darkness, role, play, decended, into, chaos, will, your, moral, #compass, tell, that, you're, making, better, worse?

The Brethren Court

Jack Sparrow costuming forum. Ever wanted to build your own screen accurate Jack Sparrow costume? Anyone ever tell you that you look like a drunken pirate? This is the place to swing your lead.

jack, sparrow, cosplay, pirates, johnny, depp, costume, will, turner, sword, flintlock, boots, #compass, vest, waistcoat, coat, frock, swagarts, janty, chattaw, dress, halloween, contest, caribbean, disney

Clio's Compass

A forum of to-be historians dedicated to the exchange of intellectual resources and the overall survival of Grad School (aka Come: Meet People, Note Share for Generals, Exchange Chapters)

history, notes, generals, examination, clio's, #compass, atlantic, early, american, latin, modern, european, ethnic, native

Compass Guide Free Members Daily Forum

Free forum : Compass Guide members have found their future, committed it to God, and are identifying their core focus for maximum impact on their future!

#compass, guide, forum, members, daniel, daves, basics, success, giant, tracker, planner, planning, plan, goal, setting, goals

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